About Me

My photo
I am a daughter caring for elderly parents. I am a sister who is extremely proud of her brother and sister. I am an aunt who loves my nieces more than I ever thought I could love anyone. I am a "no-problem" friend. I am the smiling face at the front desk, greeting everyone in a positive manner. I hopefully encourage people to find joy and peace in the midst of adversity. I am a responsible member of my community. I am told I sometimes look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Red is my favorite color. :) I am happy to be nappy! There's nothing better than a nice bubble bath, unless there's pumpkin cheesecake waiting for me when I get out. :) I know the Source of my supply. I am grateful.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Eating Your Way To Serenity

When I saw this video I knew I had to share it. Stress-Busting Foods

I was pleased to find that most of the items on the list are already a big part of my food choices, but I gained a lot of information about WHY they are great choices.  We really are what we eat and what's eating us.  Be aware.

I hope You enjoy this video as much as I did.

Be well.